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- 12Total Classes
- Jun 23, 2015Active Since
- CanadaLocation
About Angela D.
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Lv. 1
New moon
Psychic Mediumship Certification class (6 week course)
Expert: Laura Evans (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Psychic Medium Certification Class (LIVE)
Expert: Laura Evans (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Master of Life (manifesting your future reality) Zenith School of Metaphysics
Expert: Brian Anderson (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Halo Crawl - Spirit Guide 411 (Zenith School of Metaphysical Studies)
Expert: Brian Anderson (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Face Reading - Know someone's personality at a glance
Expert: Laura Evans (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Healer 102 "Dimensional Healing" (Zenith School of Metaphysical Studies)
Expert: Brian Anderson (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Healer 101 - Perspectives of Psychic Healing (Zenith School of Metaphysical Studies)
Expert: Brian Anderson (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Halo Crawl - Spirit Guide 411 (Zenith School of Metaphysical Studies)
Expert: Brian Anderson (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Psychic Medium Development Certification (Zenith School)
Expert: Laura Evans (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
Free Open Circle Readings by the Zenith Graduates
Expert: Laura Evans (Zenith School)
Recorded Program
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